Skin Type: Dry, Normal, Combination
Skin Conditions: Aging, Discoloration, Pores
Downtime: 5-7 days
Smart TCA Peel: 15% trichloroacetic acid, 3% glycolic acid
Post Peel: Smart TCA Restorative Masque
Maintain and Enhance the Results of your peel with SkinCeuticals products: Retinol, Glycolic 10 Renew Overnight, A.G.E. Advanced Eye Repair, Discoloration Defense, CE Ferulic, Cell Cycle Catalyst
*for optimal results a series of 3 every 28 days is recommended
*You must call to schedule your appointment after purchase. This is just a pre-purchase item. Patients must be deemed a good candidate for treatment with prescription skin care and services. If you have questions about whether you're a candidate or not, please call us at 501.227.0707